Now you can create UI for mobile app development without any coding!
Introductory sale, get 15% off LayoutCode! Ends on 20/7/2022
Also Available on Mac App Store
LayoutCode is packed of exciting features for iOS developers. Using WYSIWYG editor, you can now easily create UICollectionView with compositional layout, custom view which let you encapsulate its subviews details, create shape view using vector tool, gradient support in views and responsive UI using layout constraints. By using combination of these features you create a fully functioning UI to be used in iOS app. Futhermore, you can use all of these features and export to development grade Swift code without any coding!
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LayotuCode is a unique app for a designer. LayoutCode let you easily create views with complex layout, for example creating a collection of views that have combination of vertical and horizontal scroll direction. You can define how views are arranged using custom layout intuitively. Data for each individual items can be edited so a more accurate design can be presented. All views supports layout constraints for a responsive layout. Futhermore, a developer can just take the designs and export complete code to be used in their development.
Decrease your app development time. Directly visualize user interface design using intuitive tool, then instantly generate native iOS Swift code.
- Intuitive tool to design views with various layouts.
- Data encapsulation using custom view
- Various view components
- Design responsive UI with layout constraints
- Vector Editing Tool
- Instantly generate iOS Swift Code
Showcases displayed above are created fully using LayoutCode and without any coding. It can be converted to development grade code instantly using Code Generator. Among notable features used in the examples shown are:
- Multiple sections used
- Different header for each section
- Different layout for each section
- Different cell view for each section
- Vertical and horizontal layout scrolling
- Derived attribute to show/hide no response camera view
- Derived attribute to show unique data for each cells
- Gradient view usage
- Show necessary attributes only using custom view