Adding Views
To add views, simply click on toolbar. After selecting one layer from the toolbar, click on canvas and drag to insert the layer. To make the size square hold the SHIFT key while dragging the layer.
Selecting Views
To select a view, simply click on the view at the artboard. Alternatively, you can select the view by its name in View List.
To select a subview from currently selected view, press Enter key or double click at the view.
Selecting Multiple Views
There are few ways to select multiple layers:
1. Click an empty space on canvas and drag mouse towards the shapes you desire.
2. Hold down the SHIFT key while selecting layers you want.
3. Select view rows at the View List.
Moving Views
A selected view can be moved by clicking and dragging it using mouse. If OPTION key is selected, a copy is moved instead.
Views are automatically snapped to other view control points. To disable snapping, hold CMD key while moving layers.
A selected layer can also be moved using ARROW keys. This will move layer 1px at your desired direction. By holding SHIFT key, 10px will be moved instead.
Resizing Views
To resize a selected view, click and drag control points to resize it to a particular direction. To maintain aspect ratio of the selected layer, simply hold SHIFT key while dragging it. A selected view can also be resized using ARROW keys while holding CMD key. This will resize layer 1px at a desired direction. By holding SHIFT key, 10px will be resized instead. Resizing a view does not resize its subviews. When the subviews layout constraints are added, the subviews will be resized based on the constraints.